
Matt Wilson lives and works as an instructional designer in San Diego, California.

Over the years, he has adopted countless failed methods for exploring and documenting his creative pursuits, including but not limited to, journals, sketchbooks, comic diaries, handmade photo books, even the occasional haiku collection.



 Matt Wilson lives and works as an instructional designer in San Diego, California.

Over the years, he has adopted countless failed methods for exploring and documenting his creative pursuits, including but not limited to, journals, sketchbooks, comic diaries, handmade photo books, even the occasional haiku collection.

None of those pursuits lasted beyond three or four days.

In 2012, upon moving into a new house, Matt brewed a batch of beer intended to quench the thirst of many future guests. Anticipating serving it during a housewarming party, he labeled it Warm House, Cold Beer.

The housewarming never happened, but this site was born.